Calla Instructional Approach


Mindmap am Calla Instructional Approach, erstellt von Dustin Quinn am 20/10/2017.
Dustin Quinn
Mindmap von Dustin Quinn, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dustin Quinn
Erstellt von Dustin Quinn vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Calla Instructional Approach
  1. Based on cognitive theory and research.
    1. Instruction through the use of priority content topics, development of language skills needed in school, and explicit instruction regarding the use of learning strategies.
      1. Goal is to learn essential academic language while promoting self-regulated, independent learners, with a plethora of learning strategies at their disposal.
        1. CALLA can be used in ALL classrooms with ALL students!
    2. Students are taught to value their own prior knowledge and cultural background/experiences and to build upon it to help learn a new language in a new culture.
      1. Teachers model selecting an using appropriate learning strategies
        1. Over the course of the year, I have probably taught ten different division strategies. I have to model selecting an appropriate strategy on word problems often. For example, drawing a diagram to represent division is more beneficial than dividing using partial products on some problems.
          1. Time and opportunity to engage in tasks with different strategies must be given! Students need to experiment with strategies and reflect upon their effectiveness.
            1. Siop Model
              1. Based on 8 interrelated components: Lesson preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice/application, lesson delivery, review/assessment.
                1. Both Siop and Calla share common belief that learning : should be carefully planned, takes place through interaction, is dependent upon teacher modeling learning strategies, should be scaffolded to support learner independence, requires opportunities for practice/reflection/clarity.
                  1. What should these instructional methods look like in the classroom?
                    1. Both content and language objectives are posted
                      1. Students are in flexible groups that change often
                        1. Objectives are used as a point of reference & reflection to guide the lesson and help students gauge their own learning
                          1. Students ask questions for clarity
                            1. Discussion/ Interaction, TPS, TPWS, Choral Reading, Anchor Charts, Carousel Activites, Parallel Lines, etc.
                              1. Learning strategies modeled, and posted
                                1. Choral Reading, Print-Rich Environment, Manipulatives
                                  1. Scaffolding/ i+1 instruction
                                    1. WAIT TIME!!!!
                                2. Explicit targeted vocabulary development
                                  1. Content and Language objectives must be clearly stated, displayed, and reviewed with students.
                                    1. Age appropriate content concepts
                                      1. Emphasizes the effect of motivation on learning!
                                        1. Much like the Calla Model, encourages the use of pictures, manipualtives, experiments, hands-on activities, real artifacts.
                                          1. Ideas for content adaptation: highlighted/taped texts, use of graphic organizers, marginal notes, jigsaw text reading, text in EB/ELL N.L.
                                            1. Seeks to link past learning/prior knowledge to new concepts.
                                              1. Given task must be meaningful
                                        2. Teachers should encourage language awareness
                                          1. Encourages cooperative learning activities.
                                            1. Hands-on activities are encouraged like: manipulatives, drawing pictures, conducting experiments, making maps, graphs, timelines, or charts. Students can also discuss problem solutions, think aloud while solving problems, share strategies used for a problem, and develop problems for others to solve.
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