Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Calla Instructional Approach
- Based on cognitive theory and research.
- Instruction through the use of priority
content topics, development of language
skills needed in school, and explicit
instruction regarding the use of learning
- Goal is to learn essential academic
language while promoting self-regulated,
independent learners, with a plethora of
learning strategies at their disposal.
- CALLA can be used in ALL
classrooms with ALL students!
- Students are taught to value their own prior
knowledge and cultural
background/experiences and to build upon it
to help learn a new language in a new culture.
- Teachers model selecting an
using appropriate learning
- Over the course of the year, I have probably taught ten different
division strategies. I have to model selecting an appropriate
strategy on word problems often. For example, drawing a diagram
to represent division is more beneficial than dividing using partial
products on some problems.
- Time and opportunity to engage in tasks with different strategies
must be given! Students need to experiment with strategies and
reflect upon their effectiveness.
- Siop Model
- Based on 8 interrelated components: Lesson
preparation, building background,
comprehensible input, strategies, interaction,
practice/application, lesson delivery,
- Both Siop and Calla share common belief that learning : should be carefully planned, takes place
through interaction, is dependent upon teacher modeling learning strategies, should be scaffolded to
support learner independence, requires opportunities for practice/reflection/clarity.
- What should these instructional
methods look like in the
- Both content and language objectives are posted
- Students are in flexible groups that
change often
- Objectives are used as a point of reference &
reflection to guide the lesson and help students
gauge their own learning
- Students ask questions for clarity
- Discussion/ Interaction, TPS, TPWS, Choral
Reading, Anchor Charts, Carousel Activites,
Parallel Lines, etc.
- Learning strategies modeled,
and posted
- Choral Reading, Print-Rich Environment,
- Scaffolding/ i+1
- Explicit targeted
- Content and Language objectives must be clearly stated,
displayed, and reviewed with students.
- Age appropriate content
- Emphasizes the effect of motivation
on learning!
- Much like the Calla Model, encourages the use of pictures,
manipualtives, experiments, hands-on activities, real
- Ideas for content adaptation: highlighted/taped texts, use
of graphic organizers, marginal notes, jigsaw text reading,
text in EB/ELL N.L.
- Seeks to link past learning/prior
knowledge to new concepts.
- Given task must be
- Teachers should
encourage language
- Encourages cooperative learning activities.
- Hands-on activities are encouraged like: manipulatives, drawing pictures,
conducting experiments, making maps, graphs, timelines, or charts.
Students can also discuss problem solutions, think aloud while solving
problems, share strategies used for a problem, and develop problems for
others to solve.