IEP Process


This is a flow chart of the IEP process within my school district.
Andrew Phillips
Mindmap von Andrew Phillips, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrew Phillips
Erstellt von Andrew Phillips vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

IEP Process
  1. 1. Pre-Refferal Process


    • 1.) This process begins when someone, an teacher, parent, a medical professional bring a concern about a student to someone within the school system. That person will hear their concerns or begin to fill out the SAT Team Pre-Refferal Form. The more complete the form is the more information the SAT Team has to use. 
    1. 2. SAT Meeting (Student Assistance Team


      • •Purpose of this meeting to bring concerns of general education teacher to the team of individuals who will be using interventions for a specific student.  •Interventions will be discussed  •Documentation of interventions will be shared •Timetable for the Interventions to be completed •Timeline for next SAT Meeting
      1. 3. Interventions


        • Once a students has been discussed at a SAT meeting, the next step is to have some interventions put in place for this student. These interventions could be implemented by the PE teacher, a general education teacher, a special education teacher, or in our case a DAPE teacher. These interventions will be monitored and recorded. The intervention could last anywhere from 2 weeks up to 2 months. At the end of the intervention the SAT team will meet to discuss how the intervention went for the student and determine if more interventions need to be put in place or if the student is a candidate for special education evaluation. 
        1. 4.Evaluations


          • 1) Once it is a determined a student needs an evaluation they are given either the TGMD-2 or the BOT-2, depending on their age.  2) This evaluation must be completed within 30 days, and it is to be completed by the DAPE teacher. 
          1. 5. IEP Meeting


            • The IEP meeting is where is all comes full circle. From the time the evaluation has been completed and reported the IEP team will have 14 days to complete the IEP and have the IEP meeting. The IEP team will work together on completing the IEP and also will all be present for the IEP meeting. 
            1. 6. Annual IEP Meeting


              • The annual IEP takes place every year to reevaluate the students present level of performance and also to go over new goals and objectives for the next year on the IEP. 
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