Elements, Mixtures and Compounds


Chemistry Mindmap am Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, erstellt von woodi am 27/05/2013.
Mindmap von woodi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von woodi vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Elements, Mixtures and Compounds
  1. Meanings
    1. Element
      1. Pure substance containing one type of atom
      2. Mixture
        1. Several substances physically mixed together
        2. Compound
          1. Pure substance containing atoms of more than one element chemically bonded together
        3. Metals and Non-Metals
          1. See qualities table on the next page
          2. Elements, Atoms and Compounds
            1. Elements contain 1 type of atom
              1. Some exist as diatomic molecules (2 atoms)
                1. See page for examples
            2. Naming Compounds
              1. 2 elements
                1. First named element keeps name and seconded name end in IDE
                  1. Sometimes prefixes are also used
                    1. Mon, Di ,Tri
                  2. 3 element 1 oxygen
                    1. ate takes oxygens place
                      1. Last one hydrogen - hydroxide
                    2. Some just change to everyday names
                      1. Water
                    3. Examples of mixtures
                      1. Easily separated
                        1. Sea Water
                          1. Salt and water
                          2. Air
                            1. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide
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