Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The 5 types of crowdsourcing
- Crowd creation
- Leveraging the crowd's skill in creating new assets for
- Crowdfunding
- A multitude of people pay a small amount of money to reach a goal.
- Crowdvoting
- Uses the community's ability to organize, filter, and rank content.
- Microwork
- Users doing small tasks that computers wouldn't be suited for.
- Macrowork
- Users doing more demanding tasks for a longer time.
- Pros and Cons
- Microwork
- Quickly completing something that would otherwise take an unreasonable amount of time (+)
- Quality of completed tasks is questionable and very hard to check. (-)
- Crowdfunding
- Budget depends on consumer interest. (-)
- It's a quick way to raise money. (+)
- Crowd creation
- Meritocracy-based: Those who make the best content are paid the most money.
- Content is solely reliant on the creators. (-)
- Macrowork
- Quality work (+)
- Requires special skills to be completed (-)
- Crowdvoting
- May not represent the whole of the people (-)
- Represents voters effectively (+)
- Bibliography
- http://www.optimizationgroup.com/how-to-determine-which-type-of-crowdsourcing-is-right-for-you/
- https://sites.google.com/site/crowdsourcewiki/home/forms-of-cs/crowd-voting
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdsourcing#Macrowork
- http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4025-what-is-crowdsourcing.html
- Who would use which type of crowdsourcing?
- Crowd creation
- Businesses (Small and Large)
- Microwork
- Researchers
- Programmers
- Macrowork
- Businesses (Small and Large)
- Inexperienced people
- Those without the time or patience to fix the problem themselves.
- Crowdvoting
- Crowdfunding
- Small businesses
- Aspiring creators
- Talent show performers
- Apps
- Relationships between crowdsourcing types
- Crowdvoting
- Crowd creation
- Both of their
products or
results are
on people's
is choosing
the favorite,
whether it
be a person,
topic, or
- Crowdfunding
- Both receive
payment from
those who also
want a product in
Crowdfunding is
mostly invention
based, while crowd
creation is more
design and art
- Microwork
- Both are easy tasks.
Crowdvoting is just
showing your opinions
while microwork gives
simple instructions on
what to do.
- Macrowork
- Both rely on a few
people out of many
to accomplish a task.
Crowdvoting differs
by being about the
voter's opinions
about something,
while macrowork is
about completing a
project or complex
- Macrowork
- Microwork
- Both use the general populus to do what a computer cannot, but macrowork needs special skills to complete while microwork does not.
- Crowdfunding
- Both contribute a project being finished, but the difference is that crowdfunding contributes by paying while macrowork uses a person's skills.
- Crowd creation
- Both use their skills to accomplish a task for others, but macrowork usually takes much longer than crowd creation to complete.
- Crowdvoting
- Both rely on a few people out of many to accomplish a task. Crowdvoting differs by being about the voter's opinions about something, while macrowork is about completing a project or complex task.
- Microwork (I stopped myself from typing microsoft at
least 30 times)
- Macrowork
- Both are
focused on
a task,
is more
is simpler.
- Crowdfunding
- Both rely on
many people
to reach their
goals, yet
is monetary
based while
microwork is
based on
- Crowd creation
- Both end up
contributing to
a goal through
what they provide.
Crowd creation
is largely art
or invention
based while
microwork is
- Crowdvoting
- Both are easy tasks.
Crowdvoting is just showing
your opinions while
microwork gives simple
instructions on what to do.
- Crowdfunding
- Macrowork
- Both use
money to reach
their goals.
uses money to
uses money to
pay people for
their services.
- Microwork
- Both rely on large
amounts of people
to contribute to a
project being
Crowdfunding relies
on people to help
pay for the
production costs
while microwork
relies on people to
do small tasks.
- Crowdvoting
- Both are dependent on
people's interest. Crowdvoting
will work regardless of how
many people vote while
crowdfunding needs a
minimum amount of money
from people to work.
- Crowd creation
- Both receive payment from those
who also want a product in
return. Crowdfunding is mostly
invention based, while crowd
creation is more design and art
- Crowd creation
- Macrowork
- Both use their
skills to
accomplish a
task for others,
but crowd
creation gives
the person a
design while
macrowork is
finishing a
- Microwork
- Both end up
contributing to a
goal through
what they
provide. Crowd
creation is
largely art or
invention based
while microwork
is categorization
- Crowdfunding
- Both receive
payment from
those who also
want a product
in return.
is mostly
invention based,
while crowd
creation is
more design
and art based.
- Crowdvoting
- Both are used by
only small amount
of people. The
difference is that
crowd creation is
art oriented, while
crowdvoting is
choosing the
favorite, whether it
be a person, topic,
or otherwise.