Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Phonological Loop model (Working Memory)
- developmental &
- developmental differences
- faster rehearsal means
better recall (more
rehearsal per per 2sc)
- developmental
growth of memory
span, Dempsey
- as children's rate of speech
increases so does their recall span,
Nicholas (1981)
- cross-linguistic differences
- differences with mean digit span
correlates with differences in how long
it takes to say them
- NOTE: these are
correlations not
causal relations
- younger children have poorer recall
performance on longer spoken
words compared to same stimuli
presented as images
- older children (7yo) show
word-length effect in both
modalities, Hitch et al. (1988)
- Irrelevant speech
- Salamé and Baddeley (1982) ignoring
irrelevant speech was more interfering than
other irrelevant noise
- demonstrates unattended speech enters
phonological store (Blocking subvocalised
word stimuli) BUT other noises don't
- Suppression eliminates the irrelevant
speech effect (possibly by blocking word
- Macken & Jones (1995)
contradictory evidence that
unattended non-speech (tones)
can cause the same disruptive
- possibly due to broader memory
mechanisms rather than phonological loop
- possible both theories correct
in different situations
- neurological study
- Vallar & Baddeley (1984) - studied P.V. who showed
selective verbal memory deficit
- Left parietal lesion from stroke- only left with 2
digit auditory span yet fluent and normal rate of
- Poor recall with phonemically similar words- possible phonological
store damage? Had no word length effect- also support phonological
store damage theory
- subvocal rehearsal wouldn't help
recall shorter words rather than
long words
- better memory span with
visual words than spoken
- showed no phonemic similarity or
word length effect
- possibly compensating for phonological loop
damage by using her visio-spatial scratchpad
- this is an example of dissociation suggesting
storage and rehearsal are separate
- Paulesu et al. (1993)- used PET scans for 3
- task assumptions- phonological loop
associated with Broca's area and
supramarginal gyrus. rehearsal
associated with Broca's area.
phonological store associated with
supramarginal gyrus. if these
assumptions are correct!
- theoretical issues
- it doesn't explain irrelevant speech effect
- Lovatt et al. (2000)- challenged word
length effect. claimed word complexity was
responsible. word length effect could be
eliminated if complexity was the same.
- Hulme et al. (1984)- challenged rehearsal is affected by
word length. example: 4yo not developed rehearsal ability
showed word length effect.
- Cowan et al. (1992)- demonstrated
word length effect caused by output
delays (doesn't affect rehearsal)
- Baddeley (2000) - suggested a 4th component-
the episodic buffer.
- explains that articulatory suppression which
'should' eliminate recall by occupying all
resources (rehearsal/subvocalisation), thereby
preventing visual stimuli registering in the
phonological loop, has only a weak effect.
- evidence shows visual similarity of word
stimuli affect span. suggesting visual and
phonological info are bound. therefore, a
separate system involved.
- very amnesic patients (damaged episodic LTM) can keep
current info in mind (not learned). eg. Tulving recorded a
patient could remember the objective in a game of bridge,
the cards played and the score across a series of games.
suggesting if STM & LTM not linked there must be another
- addressing the issues:
- create a new model from scratch
- revise the model addressing its deficiencies
- use computational modelling to create alternative models.
- phonological store
- stores small amount of
what's seen/heard
- subvocalisatino process
- speech automatic access to
loop. visual stimuli needs
- Phonological working memory, Baddeley (1975)
- articulatory suppression, Baddeley
- secondary task involving
repetition of irrelevant words
- word-length effect
- memory span reduced
- word length effect
reduced in both modalities
- phonemic similarity effect reduced
in visual stimuli
- eliminates
effect for both
- only eliminates
similarity effect
in visual stimuli
- phonemic similarity effect
- more difficult to remember
similar sounding words