Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Pre 2008
- US Blockade = shortage of
tourists and capital to deve
- 2008 blockade lifted
- Unspoilt areas important for conservation
- Tourism threat to marine conservation
- Largest source of tourists from Canada
- Effective relationships = $ support
- WWF key areas for sustainable tourism
- Minimise the impact of mass tourism through
appropriate siting of new facilities, infrastructure,
redesign, reduced comsumption and waste
- Increase the prop of true ecotourism
- Ensure tourists and local tourism operators
contribute substantially to conservation
- Objectives
- Establish laws, policies, educational
- Reduce the impact of
current and future tourism
on coastal ecosystems
- Las Terrazas
- Farming main industry
- Coffee
- Fruit +Veg
- Tourism
- Main Hotel La Moka has
trees growing through it
- Guides are from the local community
- Hotel uses local produce
- Main attraction is Birds and
Wildlife and natural scenery
- Small ecological research centre