Medieval Japan


Mindmap am Medieval Japan, erstellt von 37648 am 06/08/2014.
Mindmap von 37648, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Medieval Japan
  1. overview of Japanese history
    1. Ancient c.300 BCE - c.600 CE
      1. Jomon
        1. first people in Japan
          1. archaelogical evidence, no written evidence from when people first arrived in Japan
            1. cord marks found on pottery
              1. means cord marked
              2. medieval 12th - 19th century
              3. Tokugawa Japan
                1. Samurai lived for and protected their noble landlords, the daimyo. As the power of the nobles increased, the emperors lost authority.
                  1. A period when Japan became isolated from the rest of the world
                    1. Owned by the Tokugawa clan from 1603 - 1868 CE.
                      1. brought great stability to both society and government.
                        1. Edo was the city where the shogunate ruled
                          1. the name was changed to Tokyo in 1868CE
                        2. belief system
                          1. Shintoism
                            1. KAMI - sacred spirits found in all aspects of the natural world
                              1. a religious system inspired by the world of nature
                                1. offer prayers to celebrate rituals that show respect to their ancestors
                                  1. Japanese were very familiar with the power of nature
                                  2. religion is an important aspect of Japanese life and culture
                                    1. let people properly understand the way they live
                                    2. Buddhism
                                      1. India 5th century
                                        1. Siddhartha Gautama
                                        2. confucianism
                                          1. came to Japan via sea
                                            1. a code of behavior based on the teachings of Confucius (China sixth century)
                                          2. government
                                            1. centralised administration, social hierachy
                                              1. all kings and emperors need other people to support them in their quest to hold and maintain power
                                                1. governed by shogunate
                                                  1. valued work and usefulness more than wealth
                                                  2. trade
                                                    1. strictly limited
                                                      1. Dutch and Chinese traders restricted to Nagasaki
                                                        1. limited diplomatic relations with China, Korea and Russia
                                                        2. The Military
                                                          1. follow Bushido code for correct behavior
                                                            1. Samurai meant those who serve
                                                              1. Served the Daimyo
                                                              2. early medieval Japan 1160 - 1603 CE
                                                                1. battles for for control of Japan raged between competing clans
                                                                  1. 1160-1185 CE,The Taira clan was in charge, then challenged by the Minamoto clan during late 1180s
                                                                    1. Minamoto won and formed a military government
                                                                      1. emperor was mostly a figurehead and Japan was ruled by a Shogun
                                                                        1. government was based at Kamakura (known as Kamakura shogunate)
                                                                          1. Japan was a shogunate until the 19th century, when Japan opened up its borders to the rest of the world.
                                                                      2. Geography
                                                                        1. East Asia
                                                                          1. capital = Tokyo
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