Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Plant Oils and their Uses
- Vegetable oils
- Some fruits, seeds and nuts are rich
in oils that can be extracted
- The plant material can be and the oil is
removed by pressing
- This is how olive oil is
- Other oils may be more difficult to extract
so they are dissolved in water and distilled,
then purified to remove any water or other
- This is how sunflower oil
is obtained
- Vegetable oils are important
foods and fuels as they
provide lots of energy and
- Vegetable oils have higher boiling points than
water so can be used to cook foods at higher
temperatures than by boiling
- This produces quicker
cooking and different
flavours but increases
the energy that the food
releases when eaten
- Emulsions
- Oils do not dissolve in water but they can be
used to make emulsions
- Emulsions are thicker than oil or water and have many uses
that depend on their special properties
- They provide better texture, coating ability
and appearance for example in salad
dressings, ice creams, cosmetics and
- Emulsions are made using water, oil and an emulsifier
- Emulsifier contain two parts- a hydrophilic head and
hydrophobic tail
- The hydrophilic part stays attracted to the
water whilst the hydrophobic part stays in
the oil so they do not separate
- Saturated and unsaturated oils
- Unsaturated oils have a
carbon=carbon double bond which
turns bromine water from orange to
- Vegetable oils that are unsaturated can be
hardened by reacting them with hydrogen in the
presence of a nickel catalyst at about 60
degrees celsius
- Hydrogen adds to the carbon-carbon double bonds
- The hydrogenated oils have melting points so
they are solids at room temperature, making
them useful as spreads and in cakes and pastries