Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Intermolecular forces
- Van der waals-the
weakest intermolecular
- temporary dipole
- can occur in all kind of molecules
- work in addition to other intermolecular forces
- dipole moments are formed by the changing
position of an electron cloud. the larger the
molecule, the greater the force.
- Dipole-dipole_weaker than hydrogen
but stronger than van der waals
- permanent dipole
- occurs in polar molecules
- all the polar bonds in a
molecule add up to give an
uneven charge distribution
across the whole molecule.
Dipole moments depend on
the 3D shape of the molecule.
- eg. Trichloromethane, HCl, Hydrogen sulfide.
- Hydrogen- strongest intermolecular force
- occurs in molecules in which a hydrogen atom is
bonded to either flourine, oxygen or nitrogen.
- molecules are needed to have
atleast one lone pair of electrons
- when any of flourine, oxygen or nitrogen bond to
hydrogen a very strong dipole forms were
hydrogen has a partially positive charge and the
other atom has a strong negative charge.
- eg. HF, H2O, NH3