
Mindmap am BEOWULF, erstellt von Esteban García am 10/11/2017.
Esteban García
Mindmap von Esteban García, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Esteban García
Erstellt von Esteban García vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. When it was written
    1. It is thought to have been written any time between the 8th and 11th century
    2. SETTING
      1. The time when it was written is undetermined.
        1. The story is placed in Scandinavia
          1. The story was written in North-Umbria
          2. LANGUAGE
            1. The poem is written in old English
            2. CHARACTERS
              1. BEOWULF
                1. He is the hero who defeated Grendel
                  1. He is a mixture between fiction and different historic characters
                    1. He also defeated Grendel's mother and a dragon
                      1. He became de king of Geats after killing Grendel and it's mother
                      2. GRENDEL
                        1. He fought against Beowulf
                          1. A demon descended from Cain
                          2. GRENDEL'S MOTHER
                            1. The mother of Grendel
                              1. She/it also fought Beowulf
                              2. DRAGON
                                1. KING HROTHGAR
                                  1. The king of Danes
                                    1. He is a father figure to Beowulf
                                  2. LOCATION
                                    1. Nowadays the manuscript is located in the British library
                                    2. SECTIONS
                                      1. It is divided in two sections
                                      2. PLOT
                                        1. A Nordic hero fights two monsters and a dragon to defend a Scandinavian village
                                        2. LITERARY STYLE
                                          1. It uses an elevated style
                                            1. Uses stylistic devices
                                              1. KENNING
                                                1. Is a figurative expression that replaces a name or a noun
                                                  1. Bookworm = Someone who reads a lot
                                                  2. ALLITERATION
                                                    1. It is the occurrence of the same sound in a sentence
                                                      1. Garry’s giraffe gobbled gooseberries greedily, getting good at grabbing goodies
                                                  3. THEMES
                                                    1. Motivation
                                                      1. Values
                                                        1. Loyalty
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                                                        ähnlicher Inhalt

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