Psychology: The Study of Mind and Behavior


Mind Map on Psychology: The Study of Mind and Behavior, created by Maya Lewis on 11/17/2017.
Maya Lewis
Mindmap von Maya Lewis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maya Lewis
Erstellt von Maya Lewis vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Psychology: The Study of Mind and Behavior
  1. Research Methods
    1. Need for Empiricism
      1. Need for Empiricism
        1. Hindsight Bias: Tendency to believe that one would have predicted an outcome after learning the outcome
          1. Overconfidence
          2. Perception in Random Order Events
            1. Observation Methods
              1. Experimentation
                1. Theory:An explanation that predicts future events based off of recorded observation
                  1. Hypothesis: Testable prediction
                    1. Operational Definition: Exact procedures used, make experiments recreatable
                      1. Control Group
                      2. Variables: Independent, Dependent, Confounding
                        1. Case Studies
                        2. one individual or group is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principle
                          1. Naturalistic Observation
                        3. Observing behaviors in a natural environment without controlling it
                          1. Effectiveness
                            1. random and representative sample
                              1. Correlation
                              2. not prove causation but can suggest posibility
                                1. Validity
                              3. Social Psychology
                                1. Statistical Significance: <.05
                                  1. Attribution theory
                                    1. Fundamental
                                    2. We overestimate a person’s personality and underestimate their situation
                                      1. Self Serving Bias
                                    3. Overestimate our own situation rather than judging our personality
                                      1. Persuasion
                                        1. Peripheral: no logic or reason, flashy
                                          1. Central: logical argument
                                            1. Foot in the Door Phenomenon
                                            2. Door in the Face Phenomenon
                                              1. Attitudes affect actions
                                                1. Role: series of norms w social position
                                                  1. Cognitive Dissonance
                                                    1. Conformity
                                                    2. Asch's Line Test
                                                      1. Compliance
                                                        1. Obedience
                                                        2. Milgram's shock test
                                                        3. Empathy, mood linkage
                                                          1. Normative: desire to gain approval
                                                            1. Normative: desire to gain approval
                                                            2. Informative: accept other opinions
                                                              1. Group Influences
                                                                1. Social Facilitation (home field advantage)
                                                                  1. Deindividualism
                                                                    1. Deindividualism
                                                                      1. Groupthink: change beliefs for harmony
                                                                      2. Group Polarization: push to extremes
                                                                        1. Prejudice
                                                                          1. Ingroup vs. Outgroup
                                                                            1. Scapegoat Theory
                                                                              1. Just World Phenomenon
                                                                                1. Vivid Case
                                                                              2. Abnormal Psychology and Treatment
                                                                                1. Learning
                                                                                  1. Memory
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