Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Phobias- Psychopathology Revision
- Characteristics
- Behavioural
- Panic
- Crying/screaming
- Freezing
- Avoidance
- Avoiding contact with
phobic stimulus
- Endurance
- Remains in presence of phobic
stimulus with high levels of anxiety
- Emotional
- Anxiety
- Unpleasant state of high arousal
- Fear is short-term
response, anxiety is
long term
- Unreasonable and irrational
- Absolute terror for something
that can't cause any harm
- Cognitive
- Selective attention
- Irrational beliefs
- Cognitive distortions
- Seeing phobic stimulus in
an unrealistic way
- E.g. snakes are monsters
- Explanation
- The two-process model
- Acquisition by classical conditioning
- Associating phobic stimulus
with something that triggers
a fear response
- Watson 1920
- Little Albert
- 1. White rat= NS, No response
- 2. Loud noise= UCS, fear response= UCR
- 3. White rat and loud noise= UCS, fear response= UCR
- 4. White rat= CS, fear response= CR
- Maintenance by operant conditioning
- Negative reinforcement
- Avoidance of phobic stimulus= reduction in fear
- Not a reward, but a preferred situation
- Behaviourist approach
- Evaluation
- Application to therapy
- Avoidance may not be result
of anxiety reduction
- Positive feelings of safety
- Incomplete explanation
- Role of evolutionary factors
- Phobias may be result of innate
predisposition to fear certain things
- The dark would have been
worthy of fear in the past
(predators) even if it no longer is
- Not all phobias follow trauma
- Doesn't take cognitions into account
- Treatment
- Flooding
- Immediate exposure to phobic stimulus
- No anxiety hierarchy
- Eventually worn out by fear response
- Relaxed state
- Classical conditioning
- Extinction
- Must give fully informed consent
- Evaluation
- Very traumatic
- Often not completed
- Cost-effective- much quicker than SD
- Less effective for social phobias
- They have cognitive aspects
- Systematic desensitisation
- Anxiety hierarchy
- Gradual increase in level
of anxiety situation causes
- Relaxation techniques
- Breathing technqiues
- Exposure
- Exposed while in a relaxed state
- Work way up hierarchy until totally
relaxed in presence of phobic stimulus
- Classical conditioning
- Reciprocal inhibition
- Impossible to be anxious and
relaxed simultaneously
- Evaluation
- It is effective
- Supporting evidence
- More effective than
relaxation techniques alone
- Suitable for diverse range of patients
- Alternatives aren't suitable for
people with learning difficulties
- Preferred by patients- less unpleasant