Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Definition
- Structure
- Collective logical
- throat 沒有能量中心,所以其
driving force 不是能量,而是挫折
- 顯化推力 非能量 挫折是迴路的一部份
- frustration
- 當深度無法被表達 無法被顯化自然會導
致挫折也正是挫折的推力 把我們推往顯化
- creative process
- 所以創造過程都是偕同作業的
- 以挫折為顯化的「張力」
- cross of tension
- 沒能量 - non-personal
- Splenic center - trust intuition
- 類比
- 創意過程
- 從一片混屯中理出頭緒
- understand forms and see patterns
- expansion
- awareness possibility in 48:
correction store as pattern
- an awareness that aware of pattern
need spacing time
- manifestation
- every thing it collects even the most trivial
- well
- collective
- common good
- to recognize and
understand patterns that
are of benefit to humanity
- main idea or vision goal
- The collective field - to recognize and be aware of the
collective environment is the foundation of depth.
- individual
- recognition of the patterns
and all the trivia that is
connected to those patterns.
- abstraction subdivided
- 不斷重複的過程
- 黑魔法
- The nature of the 48th gate is to come to grips with what
is exactly the right pattern, and to understand the form.
- 形式即pattern - 解構形式 —— pattern
- The necessary and qualitative foundation that is a
prerequisite to establish the common good.
- Without depth, without the recognition and the understanding
about the nature of the form, without being able to understand
the pattern, common good cannot be established.
- Depth
- awarenss + accumulated understading = depth (pattern recognition)
- evaluation - what's vital, what's the
most needed and nesscesary
- find out which is vital (18) what's needs to
be corrected or perfected 並勇於挑戰更正權威
- reduction
- 13, 19
- manifestation
- understand patterns and forms to fill the well
- 48.1
- Insignificance
- destructure
- 一爻人的累積建構
- Moon Exalted
- An instinctive recognition of what is
practical and deserves attention.
- Mars Detriment
- An Ego tendency to apply
energy to trivial considerations
- true nature of 48 hexagram
- A taste for recognizing what is practical and
deserves attention or A taste for trivia
- 小事之所以是瑣事是因為我們沒能看到他的價值
- INPUT: understand many things to fill
the well including the most trivial
- OUTPUTS: filtered by viability
feasibility and needs
- Depth 無所不在 depth
- Well 像是一口什麼蒐集的井
- 48.2
- Degeneracy
- destructure
- projection field
- interference
- All projected fields generate interference from
others. Every second line is looking for
somebody who is going to smack it
- 投射出自己缺少深度
- 只有重捨信心相信直覺才能共振到和你一樣的人一起工作
- intuition gate: confidence
- it's your design and good for you
- lack of introspection
- 無法向內看以找到真正的深度
- 顯不顯化不是48說了算 而是16的人
- 48 intuition 信任自己的直覺,認為好就是好,除非有較佳的理由說服我
- intuition gate
- Pluto Exalted
- The awareness that to successfully
establish a new form one cannot neglect
the most positive attributes just to
accommodate inferior elements. This
would lead to deterioration.
- 意識到若要成功的創造新的形式
而忽略較佳的方案 這會導致情況惡化
- A confidence in awareness to resist inferior influences.
- 保持信心以扺制不良影響
- 冥王星的執著
- Venus Detriment
- 金星的求和諧
- 傾向於回過頭來妥協,認為自己不足沒能力,不敢挑戰權威
- The misguided urge for harmony that
when associated with inferior values
degenerates into decadence.
- 為了求取和諧,妥協於不入流的價值
而誤入岐途 最後導至情況惡化
- A lack of confidence that invites interference and decadence.
- 缺乏信心形同變向邀請他人干擾自身的投射場,最後使情況惡化
- 2爻特性無法探尋深井
- 48.3
- Incommunicado
- structure
- 想要力量而不斷累積知識
trial and error
- obsess with skill
- 48 最堅難的一個爻線
中年以後才會發揮 Ra43.3 4
- depth 時間很短暫
- 如果我有足夠的技能可以取
- 無形中否認你有深度
- the most frustration 18.3 18.4
- 3 最後學會接受 深度出不來
4則不是 因為他是上三爻
- Moon Deriment
- The Moon in detriment, Symbolized by the
‘no-moon’ phase where the potential of light is
unrecognized, unavailable and unknowable.
The redeeming value is in the transience of
such a stage which can give strength to those
so afflicted.
- Where the development of taste and
depth is a long-term process
- 像徵溯月階段,無法識別潛在的光明,不可知也無法取得
- 品味及深度需要長時間養成
- 接受它
- Mercury Detriment
- The profound anxiety when a profound
intelligence is forgotten in the wilderness
- The tendency in a long-term process to anxiety.
- The depth is there but it takes many years for it to flower.
- 深度一直都在,但需要多年的耕芸
- 當我們將殊胖的智慧遺失在荒野時將帶來深層的焦慮
- 在識別出深度與智慧的過程中,傾向於長期的焦慮
- 深井需要常時間開發
- 48.4
- restructuring
- 深井的力量很短暫
- destructure
- single minded one track-process
- high trigram can reach the other side
- 領會到「必需」要顯化 the other side
- Sun Exalted
- The good sense to take advantage of the restriction
on short-term activity to assess the situation and
restructure for long-term goals that will facilitate
development when activity resumes.
- 利用短暫的靈感期限制,以評估現況 並重新調整建構長期目標
以助於當靈感再次回來時 事情可以進展的很順利
- earth Detriment
- A resistance to restructuring on
speculation with the tendency, when
activity resumes, to have to do so anyway.
- 當靈感再次來時 抗拒重新調整建構長期目標
- 長期的挫折為推力
- 靈感短暫來來去去,當他去時是為
- They have to see that whatever comes out is correct for its
time, for its moment, and it is not to be destroyed.
- The awareness that depth and its possible expression will face
restrictions with a resulting taste for short-term projects. Learn to
accept what you get existentially, creatively. Whatever you get, it is
o.k. When it stops, it is time to refill the Well. A taste for long-term
projects that will be frustrated in restraint.
- 知道深井的靈感及其可能性有其限制,而偏向短期計劃。
- 作家故事16
- 48.5
- Action
- destructure
- seducive
- high trigram1,2,3 hexagram
- resonance
- universalize
- Mars Exalted
- A natural urge to apply energy to action.
- 顯化 實現 合作
- 害怕失敗 拉長細節執行
- Moon Detriment
- An over-reliance on the need for
protection that in times of social
renewal is obsessed with the details
of planning at the expense of action.
- A taste for action or Insecurity with
one’s depth that can fail to take action.
- 過度保護,以致於在社會
汰新時執著於細節 而無法采取行動
- endless planning end detail work
- 當我們準備好了 集體層的人沒準備好
- 集體面
- 18
- inadequate