Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- annelids
- characteristis
- live in the sea and on land
- Soft bodi
- exsanple
- worm
- leeches
- sponges
- atropods
- characteristes
- soft bodi
- loft of feed
- exsanple
- ant
- spider
- exsanple
- characteri
- inbertebrate
- theare ar marine
- exsanple
- artificial esponges
- natural esponges
- jelly fhis
- characterictis
- they haven`t brain
- habe 4 or 8 long arm
- gaigant of japan
- white
- mollucs
- characteristis
- soft muscular bodi
- soft body protected by a hard
- exsanple
- snail
- ocopus
- echinoderms
- live in the sea
- 20/5000 they live in
salt water
- exsanpe
- star fhis
- see urchin