Weimar Government 1919-1923


GCSE History Mindmap am Weimar Government 1919-1923, erstellt von lydiafletcher am 30/05/2013.
Mindmap von lydiafletcher, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lydiafletcher vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Weimar Government 1919-1923
  1. Germany and the War
    1. Failed
      1. New U.S. Troops
        1. British Navy Blockade
          1. Flu epidemic
          2. Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates
            1. Weimar Government
              1. Friedrich Ebert President
                1. Stab In The Back Theory: unpopular
            2. BAD!!
              1. Proportional Representation
                1. Weak Coalition
                  1. No clear majority in Reichstag
                  2. Article 48
                    1. President take action in crisis
                      1. Easily lead to dictatorship
                    2. Kapp Putsch
                      1. March 1920
                        1. Freikorps seized Berlin
                          1. Government fled
                          2. Wolfgang Kapp
                            1. Right Wing
                            2. Army refused to attack
                              1. Lack of support for gov.t
                            3. Spartacist Rising
                              1. Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht
                                1. Right Wing- Communists
                                2. January 1919
                                  1. Republic used Freikorps
                                    1. Dependent on army
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