My Dads bald


Mindmap am My Dads bald, erstellt von joshua heath am 27/11/2017.
joshua heath
Mindmap von joshua heath, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
joshua heath
Erstellt von joshua heath vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

My Dads bald


  • this is about a man who goes round shaving your head if your a farther but gets caught by the police on his 13th attempt. 
  1. setting
    1. los angles
      1. 13 houses
        1. normal day
          1. the year 2019
            1. Asia was destroyed by the US
            2. characters
              1. Jay Swingler
                1. played by Jay Swingler
                  1. his parent are dead
                    1. they were asian
                      1. died in bombing
                      2. drove him crazy
                    2. 13 dads
                      1. Chris Evans
                        1. Robert Downy Jr
                          1. George Clooney
                            1. Brad Pitt
                          2. props
                            1. razor
                              1. bald caps
                                1. wigs
                                  1. Corvete Z06
                                    1. house items
                                      1. mirrors
                                        1. sofa
                                          1. tables
                                            1. chair
                                          2. lighting
                                            1. bright
                                              1. day time
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