building the perfect human


from fiction to reality
guedes nath
Mindmap von guedes nath, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
guedes nath
Erstellt von guedes nath vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

building the perfect human
  1. genetics
    1. DNA/genes
      1. to select/to choose/ to pick up
        1. to modify
          1. to get a blood sample
            1. to establish a genetic card
          2. scientific progress
            1. improvement
              1. a key to the future/ a revolution
              2. to eradicate/to eliminate
                1. diseases/illnesses/weakness
              3. DO NOT leave a few things to chance/ to Nature
              4. to design babies
                1. to conceive
                  1. the best result/the best of the parents
                    1. the perfect result
                    2. characteristics/traits/features
                      1. gender
                        1. life expectancy
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