The USA and USSR


GCSE History Mindmap am The USA and USSR, erstellt von emmiescoble am 30/05/2013.
Mindmap von emmiescoble, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von emmiescoble vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The USA and USSR
  1. When Gorbachev became leader of Russia in 1985, it was clear that the USA was in a much stronger position than the USSR.
    1. 1986
      1. USA Strengths
        1. Booming economy
          1. Excellent computer technology
            1. Excellent space technology
              1. Highly equipped conventional military forces
                1. NATO allies
                  1. International reputation as ‘leaders of the free world’
                  2. USSR Strengths
                    1. Warsaw Pact allies
                      1. Greater number of nuclear missiles than the USA
                      2. USA Weakness
                        1. Fewer nuclear missiles
                        2. USSR Weakness
                          1. Failing economy
                            1. Old-fashioned technology
                              1. committed to an expensive war in Afghan
                                1. Reputation ruined by Chernobyl
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