Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How did Roosevelt deal with the
depression-relief-federal emergency
relief administration may 1933
- 1-FERA was given $500 million
to be divided equally between
states to help with
- 2-half the money went straight
to the state while the other half
was conditional on each state
spending money on relief
- 3-Roosevelt chose Harry Hopkins to
deal with the program- he had
administrated relief programs that
roosevelt set up when he was govenor
of new york
- 4- many state governments refused to
spend more as they believed the poor had
only thereselves to blame
- 5- those needing relief were
treated badely- left to wait in long
ques on hot days, even after filling
in forms there was long waits
before payments were made
- 6- FERA was able to introduce the idea of
federal government giving funds directly for