The Saar, remilitarization of the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland


GCSE History-Germany (The Road to War) Mindmap am The Saar, remilitarization of the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, erstellt von RashaKay am 31/05/2013.
Mindmap von RashaKay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von RashaKay vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Saar, remilitarization of the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland
  1. SAAR
    1. Industrialised region of Germany- 30 miles wide; bordering France
      1. Under T.O.V- under control of L.O.N for 15 years from 1920
        1. Territory's status decided by popular vote-1935
          1. January 1935- 90% of voters chose reunion with Germany
            1. Saar returned to G in March
      1. Demilitarised by T.O.V
        1. G accepted by signing Locarno Treaties-1925
          1. Hitler was breaking part of the T.O.V; no one tried to stop him
      2. AUSTRIA
        1. Germany + Austria = Aschluss
          1. 1934- Nazi Revolt in Austria failed- Mussolini moved Italian troops to Austrian borders; Scaring Hitler off
            1. 1936- Hitler+Mussolini became allies
              1. Austrian Nazis staged demonstrations+protests
                1. February 1938- Hitler demanded an Austrian Nazi be Minister of the Interior
                  1. Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg called a plebiscite if Austria should remain independent
                    1. Hitler threatened to invade if Schuschnigg didn't resign
                      1. Resigned; Seyss Inquart (Aust Nazi) invited German Army into Austria to ''restore order''
                        1. 15th March 1938- Hitler entered Vienna to proclaim Greater German Reich
                          1. Austria+Germany united
          1. Sudetenland-Western Czech-3 million Germans
            1. Brit+Fran+USSR-support Czechs if Hitler invaded
              1. Hitler promised Chamberlin he wouldn't invade
                1. Then claimed Czech Gov. was discriminating them
                  1. Demanded area to become a part of Germany
                    1. May 1938- threatened war
                      1. Czech leader (Benes) ready to fight
                        1. Brit+France put pressure on Czechs to give concessions to Hitler to avoid war
          2. 1st September 1939- Hitler invades Poland
            1. Britain+France order him to leave
              1. Ignored them
                1. Britain declared war on 3rd September 1939
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