Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Jewish Practices
- Rituals
- Brit Milah
- 8 days after birth
- ‘Covenant of
- Between Abraham and
- Performed in front of the
- Bar Mitzvah
- 'Son of the Mitzvah'
- 13 years old
- A year of preparation
- Learning some Hebrew
- learning the Torah
- Learning religious teachings
- Bat Mitzvah
- Reform tradition
- 'Daughter of Mitzvah'
- 12 years old
- Celebrated same way as Bar Mitzvah
- Bat Chayil
- 'Daughter of Valour'
- Not required to read the Torah
- Give presentation of what they've learned about Judaism and prayer
- Party followed
- Marriage
- Very important as it forms a special bond
- Emphithised in the Torah
- Kiddushin - Marriage blessing
- Takes place under a canopy called the Chuppah
- Groom has to sign a contact called the Ketubah
- Contains his promises to his wife
- Reform Jews bride and groom sign
- Orthodox don't allow mixed marriages
- Reform Jews do
- It says in the Torah
- Mourning Rituals
- Oneineim
- Close relatives in the first phase of mouring
- Shiva - seven
- Period of mouring
- Kaddish
- A prayer of praise recited at funerals
- Yahreit - death anniversary
- Divorce
- Jews recognise marriage breakdown
- Have to get a 'Get'
- A divorce document and without it the couple is still married
- Can remarry 3 months after 'Get' is given
- So it is clear who the baby's parents are
- The Synagogue
- Features
- Magen David - Star of David
- Should face towards Jerusalem
- No pictures or statues
- Aron Ha Kodesh - The Ark
- Sefer Torah - The Torah Scrolls
- Ner Tamid - Everlasting light shows God is present
- Menorah - Seven branched candlestick
- The Bimah - raised platform
- Mikueh - pool of natural water used for purification
- Hebrew name is Beit K'nesset
- House of Prayer
- House of Assembly
- House of Study
- Festivals
- Pesach
- Passover
- To remember how Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt
- On the first night of Pesach, a special service called a Seder takes place
- Lamb bone
- To remember the sacrificed lamb whose blood marked the doorpost
- Roasted egg
- A symbol of new life
- Green vegetables dipped in salt water
- A sign of tears
- Bitter herbs
- To remember the bitterness of salvery
- Charsoet - paste made of chopped apples, walnuts and wine
- To remember the mortar that the Jews used
- Matzah - unleavened bread
- To remember how quickly they had to leave Egypt
- Parsley
- To represent a fresh start after Egypt
- Rosh Hashanah
- Jewish New year
- Fresh start
- Lasts two days
- Commemorates the creation of the world
- Judgement day
- Jews are for forgiveness
- Blowing of the Shofar marks the beginning of the Days of Awe
- Ram's horn
- Yom Kippur
- Day of Atonement
- Rules that must be followed are
- No food or drink is consumed for 25 hours
- No make-up or perfume is worn
- No sexual intercourse
- No bathing
- No leather shoes are worn
- Sukkot
- Jewish harvest festival.
- To remember that God protected and cared for their ancestors in the desert
- Some Jews build Sukkah in their garden with their families
- Daily Life
- Tenakh
- Hebrew Bible which contains the Torah, Prophets and writings
- Oral
- Helps understand the written Torah
- Mishnah
- Collection of the Oral
- Midrash
- Collections of commentaries and stories composed by
- Talmud
- Collective oral
- Kosher
- Foods Jews can eat
- All meat except pig
- Fish with scales
- Salmon, Haddock, Cod, Tuna
- Birds
- Trefah
- Foods that Jews can't eat
- pigs
- Fish without scales
- Eels, Whales, Sharks
- Most bird of prey
- Jews can not mix dairy with meat
- The Torah forbids eating meat and milk in combination, and even forbids the act of cooking them
- Worship
- Shabbat
- Recalls the wonder of God's creation
- Time to relax, study the Torah, worship God and spend time with friends and family
- Certain rules must be followed
- All of can be broken for Pikuach Nefesh
- Starts 18 mins before sunset on Friday
- Finishes 42 mins after sunset of Saturday
- Women of the house would lit 2 candles
- Often Jews would go to the synagogue on Friday and Saturday
- Meals are prepared prior to the Shabbat
- Prayer
- Shema - the main declaration of Jewish faith in One God
- Amidah - central prayer of all synagogue services recited quietly while standing
- Mezvzah - a parchment scroll which the Shema has been carefully written
- Placed on the doorpost
- Daily Prayer
- Orthodox Jews pray 3 times a day
- Chumash - printed version of the 5 books of Moses
- Used to read and study the Torah
- The Siddur guides Jews through daily prayer
- Prayer often begins with Modeh Ani
- Religious Clothing
- Talit gadol - garment worn during prayer by Orthodox Jews
- Reminder that God is love around them
- Kippah - worn during pray service as a mark of respect
- Orthodox Jews wear it all day
- God is presence above all things
- Tefillin - small leather box containing handwritten Torah texts
- One is tied to the head
- God is in their mind
- One on the arm near the heart
- Love God with all their strength