Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Vision: an all-inclusive welfare state
- welfare state
- governerment takes
responibility for the welfare of
- protect from misfortune
- collective responsibilty
- before
- had to manage in hard times
- illness, child death rates high
- workhouse - seperating families
- Orpahages
- poor housing
- negative effects
- Pawn sunday best to pay rent
- lack of basis accessible health services
- 1930's economic crisis
- high unemployment rates
- poverty
- divided
- rising standards in south
- squalor
- people expectations of a better life rising
- campaigins for NHS started beofre WW2
- WW2 (1939-1945)
- total war
- Civilians involved as well
- affected everyone
- experince brouth a common sense of equality and citizenship
- mass public support sweeping social reforms
- cradle to grave
- coalition government - churchill
- bevridge appointed
- social insurance and allied services (Beveridge report 1942)
- Blueprint for the new post war welfare state