Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Beveridge Legacy: implications for care
- Labour adopted proposals after winning 1945 election
- Clement Attlee
- welfare state package and family allowance
impliemented before ww2 ended
- Education Act 1944
- free secondary education
- National insurance act 1946
- NI entiliment to benefits
- Childrens Act 1948
- created Local authority children's
- National assitance act
- Means tested sfatey
net not covered by NI
- Housing act 1949
- public sector housing
- social care acts
- childres act
- National assistance act
- seen as to deal with problem people
- Only UK and Sweden welfare states based on universalism
- Universalism - goal of making benefits
and services available to everyone
irrespective of status or ability topay
- Flaws
- benefits and pensions
- more people turning to National assistance
- Benefits level set too low
- Gender roles
- assumptions about women
- genders not treated equally
- me go out to work to support family
- women stay at home
- some married women as playing a vital
role as home marker
- not seen as individual contributors
- different needs
- women's work restricted
- geared towards traditional family set ups
- Social and cultral changes on 60's 70's
- Beveridge assumptions looking out of date