Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Formato: Borrador en Word, PDF versión definitiva- entre 25-40 páginas. Arial 12 puntos. Interlineado Espaciado y medio.
Márgenes: 3(derecha) 3 (izquierda) 2,5(superior e inferior)
Alineación: justificado
Páginas numeradas con el número centrado en la parte inferior de la pag.
- Resumen: no más de 10 líneas. Palabras
claves: no más de 4 líneas.
- I would like to make an study about the relationship between the german and the english language thought the study of the proverbs, which I personally believe are important parts of our language, as they are as old of our language and they speak about primary concepts, as love, friendship, emotions,... I would do this by recollecting and then studying a corpus of proverbs to then compare them in both languages in terms of evolution, providence, cultural background that could have affected to the creation..
- índice de contenidos con paginación de los epigrafes
- -Introduction
- corpus of german proverbs with their equivalent in english language
- Introducción (5-10 páginas)
1)Justificación y objetivos del
planteamiento del tema 2) estado
de la cuestión 3) metodología
- desarrollo (10-20 pg.)
- proverbs corpus by subjects like society, economy, love, friendship...
- conclusiones (1-5 pg.)
- Bibliografia y Anexos