Knowledge management: connect


For more information check out the course HKPolyUx: ISE101x Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business on
Prohor Leykin
Mindmap von Prohor Leykin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Prohor Leykin
Erstellt von Prohor Leykin vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Knowledge management: connect
  1. People to documents
    1. Taxonomy, fixed stucture
      1. Folksonomy, user tagging
        1. Search engines
          1. Dictionaries, merging the synonims, etc
          2. Maschine learning - extracting key data from publications
            1. Requires open mind to see and accept unexpected correlations
            2. Using documents metadata
            3. People to people having an expertise in a subject
              1. Qualifications gained and formally recognized
                1. Self-description
                  1. Peer rated
                    1. System-implied, maschine learning based on publications
                      1. Choosen passionate KM champions, aiming for continuous improvement
                        1. And KM ambassadors, involving every one into KM journey
                      2. People to knowledge
                        1. Story telling, solutions, hints, good pactices
                          1. Requires easy reporting, allowing anonymous
                            1. Requires regular improvements (against "i've reported, but nothing is being done")
                            2. Near miss cases (but not careless, reckless)
                              1. Requires building no blame culture
                              2. Peer to peer activity and knowledge network
                              3. KM guidance committee, deciding where to move
                                1. Requires the easiest way to connect
                                  1. Most modern, easy to use, mobile, easy accessible
                                    1. Knowledge cafe's
                                      1. No hierarchy; direct peer to peer connect across whole orgsnization
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