ka and pka


A level Chemistry Mindmap am ka and pka, erstellt von Opris Irina am 09/01/2018.
Opris Irina
Mindmap von Opris Irina, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Opris Irina
Erstellt von Opris Irina vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

ka and pka
  1. kc = [Products]/[Reactants]
    1. kc[H2O) = ka
      1. Acid dissociation constant
      2. ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]
        1. As ka increases, strength increases
          1. As pka decreases, strength increases
            1. HCl - monobasic acid
              1. H2SO4 - dibasic
                1. H3PO4 - tribasic
                  1. pH = -log10[H+]
                    1. kw = [OH-][H+]
                      1. [H+] = sqrt kw
                      2. ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]
                        1. H+ = sqtr ka[HA]
                        2. A buffer is a solution that maintains an almost constant pH when small amounts of acid or base are added to it
                          1. Buffer consists of a roughly 50:50 mix of a weak acid and one of its salts
                            1. Making a buffer
                              1. Take a known amount of acid and a known amount of salt and mix them together
                                1. Take a known amount of a weak acid and "half neutralise" it with a strong base
                                2. In a buffer [HA] and [A-] concentrations are high
                                  1. Adding a base
                                    1. [HA] decreases
                                      1. [A-] increases
                                      2. Adding an acid
                                        1. [HA] increases
                                          1. [A-] decreases
                                        2. Buffers: pka + log10[A-]/[HA] = pH
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