Zusammenfassung der Ressource
using the internet
- A navigation toolbar is a section of the screen at the top which shows you exactly were you are.
- A plug-in module or plug-in software.
- Unwanted emails can be deleted or spammed.
- A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator.
- HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol
- Www. Mean world wide web.
- the show you what part of the website you are going to
- not pictures of pandas, you will want to write in the search engine - animals NOT PANDAS.
- Wild cars are very useful. If you don’t know the full line of a song or search, you just have to put in
the symbol * where the missing word / words would go it does work
- Browsers are the thing you click on to get to the internet
- Service providers are the company that provides you with the interne
- Search engines are when you have got onto the internet
- If you have ever wanted to find out information about a quote, quote marks are what you put around
the quote, they look like this “h”
- 8 point plan
- Is it clear who has writhen the information?
- Are the sites aims clear?
- Does it achieve them?
- Is it relevant?
- Is the information true?
- Is it up date?
- Is it bias o r fact?
- Does it provide the correct information?
- A domain name is a page name like the BBC in www.bbc.co.uk
- They are individual and they are the only one in the internet. They have to be bought.