Wireless Speaker


Mindmap am Wireless Speaker, erstellt von Stephen Georgiou am 11/01/2018.
Stephen Georgiou
Mindmap von Stephen Georgiou, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Stephen Georgiou
Erstellt von Stephen Georgiou vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Wireless Speaker
  1. Aesthetics
    1. How close do they have to be to the design?
      1. Is there a lot of space for change?
      2. How important are they?
        1. Is the target a particular market?
      3. Electronics
        1. How does wireless work?
          1. What size is needed?
            1. I will need to research size of components
            2. How will it be powered?
              1. I will need to ask my client
                1. Is it possible to have both?
              2. Client
                1. Will it be modelled on an existing product?
                  1. Is this an option?
                  2. Does the company have an iconic logo?
                    1. Do they have iconic logo?
                  3. Materials
                    1. What material will be used for the product?
                      1. Will a variation be used?
                      2. How much money is available for materials?
                      3. Design
                        1. How modern does the design have to be?
                          1. I will need to research designs that are popular
                          2. Will the design be available in different sizes/colours?
                            1. I will need to research popular colours
                          3. Audio
                            1. What quality speakers are required?
                              1. I will need to research the market standard
                              2. How big will the speakers be?
                                1. Research what size speakers are suitable
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