Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The main formula that you need to remember for reverse percentages is...
- original amount x multiplier = current amount
- How to know what to put as the multiplier
- If the word "increased" is used, you needed to add the number to 1.
- A radio sells for £63, after a 40% increase in the cost price.
- The multiplier of 40 is 1.4.
- 1 + 0.4 = 1.4
- 63 / 1.4 = 45
- Original amount was £45
- If the word "decreased" or "reduced" is used, you need to subtract the number from 1.
- I brought a jacket,
which was in a sale,
and after being
reduced by 20%, it
cost £15. What was
the original price?
- The multiplier of 20 is 0.8.
- 1 - 0.2= 0.8
- 15 / 0.8 = £18.75
- Original amount was £45.
- If you can remember that if it is increased you add
it to 1 and if it is dereased then you subtract it from
1, then you will do fine when the question comes up
about it.
- Try the first 4 questions in this test.
- www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/quiz/q29288021