"The Toyota WayUsing Operational Excellence as a Strategic Weapon"


Mindmap am "The Toyota WayUsing Operational Excellence as a Strategic Weapon", erstellt von Mariana Pinto am 12/01/2018.
Mariana Pinto
Mindmap von Mariana Pinto, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mariana Pinto
Erstellt von Mariana Pinto vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

"The Toyota WayUsing Operational Excellence as a Strategic Weapon"
  1. Toyota first caught the world s attention in the 1980s
    1. Japanese cars were lasting longer than American cars and required much less repair.
    2. Today Toyota is the third-largest auto manufacturer in the world, behind General Motors and Ford
      1. What is the secret of Toyota s success?
        1. The incredible consistency of Toyota s performance is a direct result of operational excellence.
          1. Tools and quality improvement methods
            1. just-in-time, kaizen, one-piece flow, jidoka, and heijunka
          2. Toyota Production System is Toyota s unique approach to manufacturing
            1. Lean Manufacturing, five steps
              1. 1. defining customer value 2. defining the value stream 3. making it flow 4. pulling from the customer back 5. striving for excellence.
              2. Taiichi Ohno founder
              3. The Toyota Supplier Support Center (TSSC)
                1. It is a form of Toyota helping de U.S. companies
                2. Lean Company X
                  1. Best-practice example
                  2. 14 Management Principles
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