To what extent did germans benefit from nazi rule-1930s-racial persecution-jews and other groups


History Mindmap am To what extent did germans benefit from nazi rule-1930s-racial persecution-jews and other groups, erstellt von annabellock am 02/06/2013.
Mindmap von annabellock, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von annabellock vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

To what extent did germans benefit from nazi rule-1930s-racial persecution-jews and other groups
  1. 1- nazis believed that jews were members of a inferior race-the jews were the worst inferior race and the nazis felt they needed to prosecute them
    1. 2-hitlers viwes on jews were shown even before he came to power in his book mein kampf as wells as books and nazi propeganda
      1. 3-hitler believed that they joiined with the communists and that is why they lost ww1-hitler claimed they had continued to undermine germany after 1918
        1. 4-when hitler became power in 1933 there was only half a million jews-less than one % of the total population
          1. 6-when hitler took over austria in march 1938 there was a large concentration camp of jews in the capital vienna and this reinforced his views on jews
            1. 7-april 1933-boycott of jewish shops lawyers and doctors after this the sa stood outside and refused to let people in
              1. 8-1934 anti jews propeganda increased
                1. 9- september 1935- nurembourg laws provided legal restrictions on jews-the law for the protection of german blood and honor banned marages of jews - the reich citizenship law made jews subjects rather then citizens
                  1. 10-1936-prosectuion of jews during the olympics
                    1. 11- september 1937- hitler spoke out against them and buisnesses were siezed
                      1. 12-june-july 1938- jewish doctors dentists and lawyers were forbiddent to treat true germans
                        1. 13-october 1938- jews had a red J stamped on their passports
                          1. 14-november 1938-kristallnacht-night of broken glass
                            1. 15-happened after jewish youth shot and killed german embassy official
                              1. 16-the violence of this led to the attacking of 8000 jewish shops and homes-100 jews were killed and over 20000 arrested and sent to concentration camps
                                1. 17- nazis charged jews 1 billion reichmarks for damage
                                  1. 18-1939- jews were officially encouraged to emigrate-not all could afford-30000 arrests
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