Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Elicited Behavior
- Elicited Behavior
- Corresponding Response
- Reflex Arc
- Sensory Neuron
- Sensory neurons are nerve cells
within the nervous system
responsible for converting
external stimuli from the
organism's environment into
internal electrical impulses.
- Motor Neuron
- Cell body is located in the
motor cortex, brainstem or
the spinal cord, and whose
axon (fiber) projects to the
spinal cord or outside of the
spinal cord to directly or
indirectly control effector
organs, mainly muscles and
- Interneuron
- Interneurons create neural circuits,
enabling communication between
sensory or motor neurons and the
central nervous system
- Orienting Response
- an organism's immediate response to a
change in its environment, when that
change is not sudden enough to elicit
the startle reflex. ... The orienting
response is a reaction to novel or
significant stimuli.
- Central Pattern
- neuronal circuits that when
activated can produce
rhythmic motor patterns
such as walking, breathing,
flying, and swimming in the
absence of sensory or
descending inputs that
carry specific timing
- Behavior that happens
in response to an
environmental event
- Fixed or Modal Action Pattern
- an instinctive
sequence that is
relatively invariant
within the species
and almost
inevitably runs to
- Sign or Releasing Stimulus
- Fixed action patterns, or similar
behaviour sequences, are
produced by a neural network
known as the innate releasing
mechanism in response to an
external sensory stimulus known
as a sign stimulus or releaser.
- Supernormal Stimulus
- an exaggerated version of a
stimulus to which there is an
existing response tendency, or
any stimulus that elicits a
response more strongly than
the stimulus for which it
- Behavior Systems
- put the focus on the set of
trajectories of a dynamical system
rather than on a specific set of
equations modelling the underlying
- Habituation
- a form of learning in which an
organism decreases or ceases
its responses to a stimulus after
repeated or prolonged
- Dual Process
- provides an account of how thought
can arise in two different ways, or as a
result of two different processes. Often,
the two processes consist of an implicit
(automatic), unconscious process and
an explicit (controlled), conscious
- Spontaneous
- the re-emergence of a
previously extinguished
conditioned response after
a delay
- Dishabituation
- the fast recovery of a
response that has
undergone habituation,
typically as a result of the
presentation of a novel,
strong or sometimes
noxious stimulus
- Generalization
- when habituation occurs
in response to other
stimuli that are similar
to the original stimulus
- Discrimintaion
- when habituation
does not occur to
other stimuli that
are dissimilar to
the original