Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Stores
- Thermal
- Stored due to Temperature
- Magnetic
- Stored due to magnetic propertys
- Chemicaly
- Stored by chemical reactions
- Electrostatic
- Stored due to Positive and Negitive Charge
- Elastic
- Stored in malfomed objects
- Kinetic
- Stored due to movements
- Gravitational
- Stored due to lifting
- Transfers
- Mechanical
- Force makes something move
- Eletrical
- Eletric charge travels around a circuit
- Thermal
- Energy goes from hotter to colder objects
- Light
- Light waves transfer energy
- Sound
- Sound waves transfer energy
- Other
- Conservation of energy
- Can only be stored or transfered
- Efficency
- Efficency = usefull energy transfered / total energy supplied X 100
- Energy carefully used
- Work Done
- Work done = Force X Distance
- W= F X D
- Energy Transfered