Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Earth and Space Science:
The Study of the Universe
- Star
- A hot ball of plasma, and electrically
charged gas, that shines because nuclear
fusions is taking place at its core
- Nebula
- Cloud of
gas and dust in which
stars are developed.
- Supernova
- Explosion of a star, collasped core,
which is caused by the gradual build-up
of heavy elements in the star's centre
- Nuclear Fusion
- The process in which the nuclei
of atoms fuse together to form larger atoms
which releases an enormous amount of energy
- Solar system
- The Sun together with
all the planets and celestial objects held
by the Sun's gravitational attraction
- An astronomical unit(AU)
equals the average distance
between the Earth and the Sun
- At a distance of 3AU from the Sun, there is
a region of rocky debris called the asteroid
belt consisting of pieces of rocks.
- Properties of Galaxies
- Black Hole
- A region of space in the center of each galaxy where
gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. It
pulls a star in and destroys it, adding to its mass
- Dark Matter
- Matter that is invisible because it does not interact
with light or any kind of radiation and has strong
gravitational pull that keeps our universe together
- Star Clusters
- Open Cluster
- Contains a few hundred to a few
thousand stars which are the
youngest stars in the universe
- Globular Cluster
- Contains hundreds of thousands
of the oldest stars drawn
together by the stars' gravity
- Galaxy Shapes
- Spiral
- Spiral-shaped arms that radiate out from the
galaxy's center and looks like a thin disk from
the side. New arms are formed continually as
older ones disappear or lose shape and make
a full rotation every 300 million years.
- Barred
- About half of spiral galaxies have
a bar across them which give
them the name barred spiral.
- Elliptical
- Spherical, foot-ball shaped or
cylindrical and extremely old stars
resulted from merged galaxies.
- Irregular
- Distorted and nether spiral
nor elliptical, resulted from
collisions of galaxies and
stars were drawn away
- Big Bang Theory
- There are many other galaxies
beyond the Milky Way
- Galaxies are constantly
moving apart and the
universe is expanding
- Spectral Lines
- Created as each
gas that makes up
a star absorbs
some of the light
energy. Each
element has its
specific pattern of
spectral lines.
- Spectral Shifting
- Change in position of spectral
lines to the left or right
- Approaching star- blue(left)
shift, short and compressed
- Moving away star- red(right)
shift, long and stretched out