Immune System


A2 Biology (Section 2) Mindmap am Immune System, erstellt von Dominic Weston am 26/01/2018.
Dominic Weston
Mindmap von Dominic Weston, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dominic Weston
Erstellt von Dominic Weston vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Immune System
  1. Immune Response
    1. Defence Mechanisms
      1. Non specific
        1. Physical Barrier
          1. Skin
          2. The Process
            1. Phagocytes engulf pathogens
              1. Phagocytosis
                1. Phagocyte Type of WBC
                  1. Phagocytes eg macrophage in liver
                  2. Phagocyte recognises foreign by binding to receptors
                    1. Chemical proporties of pathogens also act as attractants for phagocytes
                      1. Cytoplasm of phagocyte moves around the pathogen to engulf it forming a phagosome
                        1. Pathogen contained in a phagocytic vacuole in the cytoplasm
                          1. Lysosome containing lysozymes fuse with P.vacuole
                            1. Hydrolytic enzymes start to hydrolyse pathogen cell walls
                              1. Soluble products absorbed / removed from cell by exocytosis
                                1. The foreign antigens presented on its cell surface membrane
                                  1. Turns into Antigen-presenting cell APC
                    2. Antigen-presenting phagocytes activate helper T cells
                      1. T lymphocyte cell specific receptors bind to Antigens on the APC
                        1. Attachment triggers T lymph cell to divide rapidly by mitosis to form its clone
                          1. Cloned T cells do many things:
                            1. Activate cytotoxic T cells
                              1. Kill abnormal cells (phagocytes) infected by pathogen
                                1. Binds to pathogen to start cell death
                                  1. Produces Hydrogen peroxide OR protein (perforin)
                                    1. This makes holes in cell-surface membrane
                                      1. Resulting in cell death
                              2. T helper cells
                                1. Stimulate B cells
                                2. T-memory cells
                                  1. Remembers specific antigen of pathogen
                            2. T lymphocytes activate B lymphocytes
                              1. Another type of WBC
                                1. B-Plasma cells release more antibodies into blood
                                  1. Identical to B cell (clones)
                                    1. Secrete many specific antibodies
                                      1. Monoclonal antibodies
                                    2. Responsible for immediate defence
                                      1. Production of anitbodies and memory cells
                                        1. Primary Immune Response
                                      2. B-Memory Cells keep antibodies
                                        1. B-memory cell remembers
                                          1. specific antibody for 2nd response
                                      3. B cells covered in antibodies
                                        1. Antibodies bind to their specific antigens or receptors on T cell
                                          1. Forms antigen-antibody complex
                                            1. This process and helper T cells activates B cells
                                              1. Activated B cells divide into plasma cells
                                          2. B cells can also be a APC
                                            1. Antibody on B cell surface fits to complementary foreign antigen
                                              1. Antigen enters B cell by endocytosis and is presented
                                                1. T cell binds to presented antigen
                                                  1. Activates B cell to divide
                                                    1. Process called clonal selection
                                  2. Specific
                                    1. Cell-mediated response
                                      1. T lymphocytes (T cells)
                                        1. Type of WBC
                                          1. Recognising "self"
                                            1. Fetus
                                              1. Lymphocytes collide with self material exclusively
                                                1. Any lymphocytes that receptors fit with self material die or are suppressed
                                              2. Adult
                                                1. Lymphocytes produced in bone marrow
                                                  1. They initially only encounter self-antigens
                                                    1. Any that show immune response to self-antigens undergo apoptosis (cell death)
                                                      1. This eliminates any clones of these before they appear in the blood
                                        2. Humoral response
                                          1. B lymphocytes (B cells)
                                      2. Cell Recognition
                                        1. Antigens
                                          1. Proteins
                                            1. Variety and specific structures cause many combination
                                            2. Membrane-bound protein, WBC can identify antigens determine self or foreign
                                            3. Identifying the body's own cells and molecules
                                              1. "self"
                                              2. Identifiying foregin cells and molecules
                                                1. "non-self"
                                              3. Foreign antigens trigger an immune response
                                              4. Antibodies
                                                1. Protein with quaternary structure
                                                  1. Arms of antibodies bind to antigens of different pathogens
                                                    1. Clumps pathogens together (agglutination)
                                                      1. Effective as
                                                        1. Limits the spread of the pathogen
                                                          1. Spread of pathogen around the body
                                                          2. Clumps for effective phagocytosis
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