Zusammenfassung der Ressource
2.2- Anthology Text- Angelou's autobiography
- Mode
- Printed autobiogrpahy
- Tone
- Reflective
- Personal
- Descriptive
- Optimistic
- Annotations
- Food symbolism for landlady
- 'tender' and 'sweet'
- 'concoction' and 'unidentifiable'
- Gentle humour
- Adverbial time phrases
- Typical of autobiographies
- Flattering image of mother
- 'perfect', 'good', 'formal', 'beautifully'
- Materialistic
- All based on appearance and wealth
- 'pretty', 'perfect', 'diamond', 'silver'
- Respect her or resent her
- Reviewers called it 'autobiographical fiction'
- Conversations from 20 years earlier
- 'each grain of red
rice is emblazoned
on the surface of my
tongue forever'
- Audience
- Fans of autobiographies
- Fans of Angelou
- Interested in racism in the 20th century
- Purpose
- To recount/reminisce
- To reflect
- Context
- Final book of series of 7
- Segregation
- MLK- 1963
- Raped as a child
- Had child at 16
- Looking back 60 years
- Published in 2013