Zusammenfassung der Ressource
bronchogenic carcinoma
- Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCC) (70%-75%)
- 1. Squamous cell carcinoma
- Strong association with smoking
- Males >Females
- centrally located
- Frequently cavitate
- Complication: in squamous carcinoma the mass could involve the hilar lymph node making an
obstruction in the main bronchi.
- well-dif erentiated
- may secrete parathyroid hormonelike
peptide lead to hypercalcemia
- 2. Adenocarcinoma, including bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
- Males<Females
- Non-smokers
- arising from the
peripheral airways and
- Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia
- a is a small lesion (≤5 mm) characterized by dysplastic pneumocytes lining alveolar walls that are
mildly fibrotic
- Adenocarcinoma in situ(formerly called
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma)
- lesion that is less than 3 cm and is composed entirely of dysplastic cells growing along preexisting
alveolar septae
- sometimes associated with
pulmonary scars , Rarely cavitate
- Associated with “Clubbing of the fingers” due to reactive periosteal changes
- 3. Large cell carcinoma
- strongly associated with smoking - Large-cell carcinoma are usually located peripherally. These group
of carcinomas are undifferentiated. They made up of large and anaplastic cells
- Poor prognosis.
- also called anaplastic large cell carcinoma
- poorly
- Surgical:- best chance for curing. • Radiation:- controls local
disease.used to palliate symptoms. • Chemotherapy:- not effective.
- Small cell lung carcinoma (SCC) (20%-25%).
- Chemotherapy is
very effective
- neuroendocrine tumors arising from neuroendocrine
cells. More common in men
- Highly malignant and aggressive tumor, poor prognosis, rarely resectable. Strongly associated with
cigarette smoking.
- Centrally located
- Microscopically composed of small, dark, round to oval, lymphocyte-like cells with little
cytoplasm. Electron microscopy: dense-core neurosecretory granules.
- ACTH (leading to Cushing's syndrome)
ADH ( water retention and hyponatremia)
- Carcinoid Tumors
- It is well differentiatedand curable. Usually it will present as a nodule peripherallyor centrally
- neuroendocrine
- Tumor cells produce serotonin and bradykinin leading to
carcinoid syndrome
- carcinoid syndrome, which is characterized by intermittent attacks of
diarrhea, flushing (vasodilation), thrashing and cyanosis which are
caused by vasoactive amines.
- carcinoid syndrome, which is characterized by intermittent attacks of diarrhea, flushing
(vasodilation), thrashing and cyanosis which are caused by vasoactive amines.