Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- s2 Fraud Act 2006
- Dishonestly
- GHOSH test
- would the reasonable person have
considered ds actions to be dishonest?
- did the defendant realise they were being dishonest?
- representation
- fact : where the d
states something as
to fact that is untrue
- law: where the d states the
law knowing it is untrue
- state of mind: stating they will pay
when their intent isn't to pay
- s2 (4) representations can
be express or implied
- Barnard : the actions of the defendant
can imply a representation
- s2(5) representations can be made
to machines receiving or responding
to communications
- false
- s2(2) untrue or misleading or the d knows it is or that it might be untrue or misleading
- misleading : fraud law government response to consultation 2004: less than wholly true
- intention to make a gain or loss
- direct - mohan : making the decision to bring
about a prohibited consequence
- s11 Fraud Act 2006
- obtains : the fraud has to be successful through the taking of services
- services : s11 explanatory notes : using false
card details for internet transactions or
watching a football match without paying.
- not paid for: the services must not be paid for or at least paid for in full.
- dishonestly
- Ghosh test
- would a reasonable person have considered d's actions to be dishonest?
- did the defendant realise their actions were dishonest?
- knowledge : there must be knowledge by
the defendant that payment is expected.
- the defendant must have intention
not to pay: if theye merely think
someone else has paid then they can't
be guilty
- direct intention - mohan
- R V Allen