Speaking: Asking for repetition and clarification


Speaking: Asking for repetition and clarification. English vocabulary c1 level test
Andrea Lladro
Mindmap von Andrea Lladro, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrea Lladro
Erstellt von Andrea Lladro vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Speaking: Asking for repetition and clarification
  1. Asking for repetition
    1. I´m not with you. Could you just go over that last bit again, please?
      1. You´ve lost me. Would you mind giving that to me one more time?
        1. Sorry, I didn´t quite catch that. Could you run it by me again?
          1. Would you mind backing up for a second? I missed that last bit.
          2. Asking for clarification
            1. Can you explain why I would need to do that...?
              1. I am probably just being a bit slow but am I supposed to do...?
                1. Sorry, I didn´t get that last bit . Do you mean...? Are you saying that...?
                  1. Sorry, I´m a bit confused. Did you say...?
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