Loho Co (12,14) IC IA


Mindmap am Loho Co (12,14) IC IA, erstellt von hasnain zehra am 04/02/2018.
hasnain zehra
Mindmap von hasnain zehra, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
hasnain zehra
Erstellt von hasnain zehra vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Loho Co (12,14) IC IA
  1. structural decentralisation
    1. top mgt. has control on strategic decision making+it an oversees market+although pvt. company
      1. Yet the co. needs supervision and direction and planning tools to overseee taht controls are operating effectively and are in place . In order to achieve their str. goals
          1. IA function benefits
            1. Risk mgt. incl. Cr risk, forex, leagal and reg. risk
              1. monitoring the controls are effective and eff.
                1. investor confidence
                  1. smooth operation of biz. eg meeting deadlines,
                    1. reputation is supported and built
                      1. communication bw mgt and employees
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