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Elizabeth Test
- Two features of education in Elizabethan England (4)
- You had to be rich to attend school as
education was expensive so it was popular
with gentry and nobles
- Education wasn't as important as poorer people would be trained to be
labourers whereas the upper class would be prepared for a life in court and to
be gentle men
- Teachers would be locals so if you got a decent education
depended on your area so richer people = richer areas = better
- How did the treatment of the poor change during Elizabeth's reign? (12)
- Punished beggars (vagabonds) by burning through
the ear - deterred other
- The vagabond act of 1572 meant from
14 they could be punished
- If you were punished on 3
occasions you would be executed
- They categorised the poor
- Idle beggars
- Vagabonds
- Pretended to be sick and stole
- Deserving poor/deserving unemployed
- wanted to work but couldn't
- Population increase - less jobs
- Government gave them materials so they could
make and sell things
- Old/sick/young
- Poor relief
- Children of vagabonds would be put into domestic service
- Kept children clothed and fed
- Roof over their head
- Learn trade from domestic chores
- Act for the relief of the poor
- Try to find people to work, if refused they go to the house of
correction (prison) where they work 16-18 hours per day
- Why did people go on voyages? (12)
- Expansion of trade
- The wool trade in Europe collapsed so we
needed to trade further away
- Gave us new things/wanted to increase
products available/gives more money
- Creates financial opportunities
- Makes money from new
- Stealing from Spain
- This creates a conflict with Spain
- Catholicism
- We tried to spread Protestantism - needed to go
further away to convert new countries - most of
Europe = Catholic
- It was a christian duty to
civilise people
- Felt that rest of the world was more
developed than us
- This links to development of technology
- Better ships: Triangular sails, Astrolobe,
longitude and longitude on maps
- lead to more voyages as they could go further and
faster, this increased navigational knowledge
- Printing press
- Increased knowledge
- Made people want to explore
- encouraged people to sail
- New discoveries
- More experienced sailors
- Encourages people to read books
- Trading with the new world illegally
- Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh were
- "The Spanish Armada failed because of England's
strengths" Do you agree? (16)
- Walter Raleigh
- Discovered the ark royal, the main
ship of the English fleet
- Helped with discovering new
technology for ships
- Better weapons - rapid fire canons
- Francis Drake
- 'Singing of the kings beard' - sailed to the Spanish
fleet and attacked them there - delayed the
- John/Lord Hawkins
- came up with the idea of sacrificing ships and sending them
towards Spain
- designed and fitted ships
- England's strengths
- Kept distance when attacking
although Spain planned to jump
- Well thought out plan -
- Spain's weaknesses
- Bad communication - No communication between the Duke of Parma and
the Duke of Medina Spanish fleet fail to meet parma and scatter
- Battle of grave lines - England used
fireships - lead Spain to panic
- Bad weather caused Spanish ships to be destroyed on
their way home through Ireland
- Spanish ships lacked supplies e.g. food, - damaged Spain's morale and their ability to fight