Celiac disease


Mindmap am Celiac disease, erstellt von fatima alkhateeb am 10/02/2018.
fatima alkhateeb
Mindmap von fatima alkhateeb, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Celiac disease
  1. Anatomy
    1. Duodenum
      1. Jejunum
        1. Ileum
        2. Definition
          1. Immune mediated damage of small bowel villi due to gluten exposure
          2. Causes
            1. Inappropriate T cell and IgA mediated response against gluten in genetically predisposed persons
              1. Gliadin is deaminated which is then grabbed by APC’s and are presented via MHC II to Th cells which mediate tissue damage
            2. Signs and symptoms
              1. Steatorrhea
                1. Weight loss
                  1. Failure to thrive
                    1. Vitamin deficiency
                    2. Pallor (anemia)
                  2. Investigations
                    1. Endoscopy
                      1. Genetic testing
                        1. Histology
                        2. Pathology
                          1. Management
                            1. Gluten-free diet
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