Chapter 8 + 9


degree Block 5 Mindmap am Chapter 8 + 9, erstellt von heididdle am 04/06/2013.
Mindmap von heididdle, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von heididdle vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Chapter 8 + 9
  1. Capitalism triumphs - ability to innovate.
    1. New large-scale technologies develop, takes on a global form.
      1. Makes more demands on environment.
        1. The energy intensity of these continuing capitalist systems needs to be reversed - for humankind to survive.
          1. Transport costs.
            1. Global growth is environmentally unsustainable
              1. To stop global warming, high-energy intensive production systems will suffer=decline in economic growth.
        2. Marx 'reserve army of labour'
          1. Technical progress was labour saving.
            1. 'Race to the bottom' - those who do not have unique skills to offer - global competition & wage decrease.
              1. While those who do, command higher wages - widening the gap between rich & poor.
                1. As globalisation has deepened the distribution of income has become more unequal.
          2. Solutions
            1. Higher energy prices?
              1. Gap between rich & poor will increase.
              2. Reduce material consumption in Global North.
                1. Especially as developing nations are growing.
                2. Redistributing wealth of economic growth across the population.
                3. Climate change.
                  1. Increase of greenhouse emissions.
                    1. Producing too much for Earth to re-absorb naturally.
                      1. Deforestation increases CO2.
                        1. Increase of agriculture
                        2. Warm the Earth
                          1. Since the Ind. Rev. - burning of fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere.
                            1. To provide energy.
                            2. Due to population rises & rise in industrial production.
                            3. Rising sea-levels - melting glaciers.
                              1. Problems for global South (poorer nations)
                                1. More vulnerable to changes.
                                  1. Pacala (climate scientist) says 7% richest people emit half of greenhouse gases - so need to be responsible and reduce if targets are to be met.
                                    1. 3 billion poorest people emit next to nothing.
                                2. Scientists have proven it's a very real problem.
                                  1. With extreme weather=droughts, floods, storms.
                                    1. Governments aren't tackling the issue properly - just want votes so tackle short-term problems.
                                      1. Who is going to be happy giving up their lifestyles they have now - to save energy for future generations?
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