Zusammenfassung der Ressource
My Last Duchess
- Duke is narrator
- He creates the tone of the poem
- Cruel
- Ruthless
- conversational style
- almost as if
talking to himself
- trying to justify
what he did
- 10 syllables per line
- iambic pentameter
- Even structure of
poem is controlled
- like the Duke
- Even through all his
riches, the Duke
cannot seem to find
true love
- 'Notice Neptune,
though, taming a
- Power he has over the
- metaphorically the
Duke is Neptune
and the Duchess is
the sea horse
- He sees himself like a God
- Because he couldn't
'tame' her, he had to
put her down
- Duke of Ferrara
- Dominant
- Possessive
- 'as if she ranked my gift of
a nine-hundred-years-old
name with anybody's gift'
- He expects her to be only devoted to him
- Narcissistic
- 'since none
puts by the
curtain I have
drawn for you,
but I'
- only he can look at the painting
- Accidentally reveals some of his
- 'even had you skill in speech -(which I have not)-
- He can't speak to her.
Can't tell her that he
disagrees with her ways
- Language
- 'My last duchess'
- Ambiguous
- last as in previous?
- last as in
- ' as if she were alive'
- ambiguous
- is she alive?
- confuses audience