My Last Duchess


English Literature (poetry - war and conflict) Mindmap am My Last Duchess, erstellt von soraya haynes am 12/02/2018.
soraya haynes
Mindmap von soraya haynes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
soraya haynes
Erstellt von soraya haynes vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

My Last Duchess
  1. Duke is narrator
    1. He creates the tone of the poem
      1. Cruel
        1. Ruthless
          1. conversational style
            1. almost as if talking to himself - trying to justify what he did
          2. 10 syllables per line
            1. iambic pentameter
              1. Even structure of poem is controlled - like the Duke
              2. Even through all his riches, the Duke cannot seem to find true love
                1. 'Notice Neptune, though, taming a sea-horse'
                  1. Power he has over the sea-horse
                    1. metaphorically the Duke is Neptune and the Duchess is the sea horse
                      1. He sees himself like a God
                        1. Because he couldn't 'tame' her, he had to put her down
                    2. Duke of Ferrara
                      1. Dominant
                        1. Possessive
                          1. 'as if she ranked my gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name with anybody's gift'
                            1. He expects her to be only devoted to him
                          2. Narcissistic
                            1. 'since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I'
                              1. only he can look at the painting
                            2. Accidentally reveals some of his weaknesses
                              1. 'even had you skill in speech -(which I have not)-
                                1. He can't speak to her. Can't tell her that he disagrees with her ways
                            3. Language
                              1. 'My last duchess'
                                1. Ambiguous
                                  1. last as in previous?
                                    1. last as in never having another duchess/
                                  2. ' as if she were alive'
                                    1. ambiguous
                                      1. is she alive?
                                        1. confuses audience
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