Zusammenfassung der Ressource
methods of stress
- Cognitive
- CBT is a psychological means of stress
management based on replacing
irrational, maladaptive thought
processes with rational, adaptive ones.
- Rational Emotive Behaviour
Therapy (REBT, or the ABC
method), and the Treatment of
Negative Automatic Thoughts
- Stress
- The idea behind SIT is
to apply the therapy
before the stress-related
disorder actually occurs.
- SIT is a form of cognitive
restructuring. This term refers
to various methods of changing
the way people think about
themselves and their lives.
- SIT is a cognitive behavioural method of stress management.
- The cognitive part involves individuals being trained to
recognise stress symptoms and the behavioural part involves
the use of certain skills to act upon the causes of stress.
- SIT has successfully treated acute stressors such as medical
examinations, chronic intermittent stressors such as recurrent
headaches and chronic continual stressors like medical illnesses.
- SIT has three
phases in
restructuring how
a person thinks:
- 1. Assessment - where the patient and therapist
discuss the problem and consider how to deal with it.
- 2. Stress-reduction techniques - where patients are
taught skills to deal with stress, such as self-instruction,
where coping self-statements are practised.
- Direct action might include learning physical reaction exercises.
Cognitive coping might involve the use of preparation statements,
which are positive and incompatible with negative self-statements.
- 3. Application and follow-through - where
patients visualise using stress-reduction
techniques learned and then use them in role
play exercises and lastly in real-life situations.
- Jay and Elliot developed a videotape for parents of 3-12 year olds with
leukaemia who where undergoing treatment. One hour before treatment, parents
are shown the film of a model parent employing self-statements, relaxation
techniques and coping imagery rehearsal. The parents then practice this.
Compared to other parents the SIT parents showed significantly less anxiety.
- This implies SIT to be an effective treatment for acute stressors.