Global Definition of Social Work


Trabajo Social Mindmap am Global Definition of Social Work, erstellt von Laura Uribe am 20/02/2018.
Laura  Uribe
Mindmap von Laura Uribe, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Laura  Uribe
Erstellt von Laura Uribe vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Global Definition of Social Work
  1. Principles
    1. Social justice
      1. Human rights
        1. 1st generation
          1. Civil, political rights
          2. 2nd generation
            1. Socio-economic, cultural
            2. 3rd generation
              1. Natural world
            3. Collective responsibility
              1. Respect
                1. Human dignity
                  1. Diversity
                  2. Definition
                    1. Promotes
                      1. Social change
                        1. Social cohesion
                          1. Development
                            1. Empowerment
                              1. Liberation
                              2. Is a practice-based profession
                                1. Academic discipline
                                2. Core mandates
                                  1. Promoting social change
                                    1. Social development
                                      1. Structural barriers
                                        1. Inequalities
                                          1. Discrimination
                                            1. Explotation
                                              1. Opression
                                                1. Factors
                                                  1. Political
                                                    1. Personal
                                                      1. Socio-economic
                                                    2. Emancipatory practice
                                                      1. Intervention
                                                        1. Person - family
                                                          1. Groups
                                                            1. Community
                                                              1. Need development
                                                            2. Knowledge
                                                              1. Constructed with users
                                                                1. Indigenous knowledges
                                                                  1. To redress scientific colonialism
                                                                    1. Interdisciplinary
                                                                      1. Theories
                                                                        1. Research
                                                                          1. Human sciences
                                                                            1. Anthropology
                                                                              1. Economics
                                                                                1. Psychology
                                                                                  1. Sociology
                                                                              2. Practice
                                                                                1. Intervention
                                                                                  1. People
                                                                                    1. Interact
                                                                                      1. Environment
                                                                                        1. Social systems
                                                                                      2. Social development
                                                                                        1. Social Workers use
                                                                                          1. Skills
                                                                                            1. Techniques
                                                                                              1. Strategies
                                                                                            2. Increasing hope
                                                                                              1. Counseling
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