Zusammenfassung der Ressource
BTEC Applied Science
- Microscopy
- Light Microscopy
- Uses visible light and magnifying
lenses to observe small objects
- Can observe sub-cellular structures
- Has a low magnification of X500
- Electron Microscopy
- Use a beam of electrons in a
caccum with a wavelength of less
than 1 nm to visualise the
- X500000 magnification and a high resolution
- Can destroy sample
- Magnification =
Size of image ÷
Actual size
- Animal Cell
- Nuclues
- Ribosome
- Rough ER/ Smooth ER
- mitrochondrion
- Chloroplast
- Golgi complex
- Vacuole
- lyosome
- Plant Cell
- Cell Wall
- Chloroplast
- Vacuole
- Tonoplast
- Amyloplast
- Plasmodesmata
- Pits
- Bacteria Cells
- Cell Wall
- Capsule
- Ribosomes
- Nucleoid
- Plasmid
- Gram Staining
- Gram positive
- A Purple stain
when observing
the smear under a
microscope it
shows that Gram
positive bacteria
are present
- Gram negative
- A pink stain as
their thinner cell
walls and lipid
allow ethanol
- Application of
crystal violet
- Application of iodine
- Alcohol wash
- Application of safranin
- Specialised cells
- Root hair cell
- Cell membrane
- Root hair
- Cell wall
- Cytoplasm
- Vacuole
- Sperm cell
- Head
- nuclues
- Mitochondrion
- Undulipodium
- Neck
- Acrosome
- Middle piece
- Palisade mesophyll cell
- Cell wall
- Cell membrane
- Cytoplasm
- nuclues
- Vaculoe
- chloroplast
- Egg cell
- Corona radiata
- nucleus
- cytoplasm
- zona pelluccida
- Red blood cell
- Membrane
- Haemoglobin
- White blood cell
- Neutrophill
- Multi-lobed nucleus
- Granulated cytoplasm
- Epithelial tissue
- Squamous
epithelial tissue
- Lines organs and surface
- Rapid diffusion of oxygen
- Ciliated columnar
epithelial tissue
- Lines
- Sweeps away
- Endothelial tissue
- Lines heart and blood vessels
- Provides Short