Bio 123 Lec: 1st exam


Plan of attack for 1st exam!
Nicole Bolo
Mindmap von Nicole Bolo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nicole Bolo
Erstellt von Nicole Bolo vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Bio 123 Lec: 1st exam
  1. Overview of Microbial Diversity
    1. Properties of Cells
      1. Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
        1. Nutritional Types
        2. Cell Structure and Function
          1. Organelles
            1. Microscopy
              1. Cell membrane Functions
                1. Importance of Size
                  1. Importance of Shape
                  2. Bacterial Transport Mechanism
                    1. Passive Transport
                      1. Active Transport
                        1. Group Translocation
                          1. ABC Transport
                          2. Prokaryotic Cell Wall
                            1. Peptidoglycan synthesis
                              1. Teichoic Acid synthesis
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