Zusammenfassung der Ressource
LO1 - Pre-Production Homework 1
- Mind Maps
- Drawn by hand or Digitally
- Expands on the main idea
- It is used maily at the start of a pre production and made before mood boards
- The idea is broken down into more deatiled ideas
- Also most commonly used to break down a client requirement
- Mood Boards
- A large variety of picture which are some what related
- Different company logos
- Different website house styles
- It is used to gather ideas and used after a
mind map but before a story board
- shows off a large variety of designs, colours and
- Story Boards
- An ordered development of a product
- Used by creators of a 'step by step' project
- Used to gather what the scene or product will look
like and contain what audio tracks, captions and
transitions will be placed in the certain order
- Hand drawn or digitally
- Script
- Used by theatre or movie producers to keep track
of who is speaking, what is to be spoken and when
it is spoken
- Music Used
- Body Language
- Could be hand
written but also
made digitally