

Mindmap am Jaundice, erstellt von Eslam Ebrahim am 03/03/2018.
Eslam Ebrahim
Mindmap von Eslam Ebrahim, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Eslam Ebrahim
Erstellt von Eslam Ebrahim vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Definition
    1. a yellowish discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and of the white of the eyes caused by elevated levels of the chemical bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia)
      1. Distruction of RBCs and reading the
        1. Haem
          1. Synthesis
            1. Degradation
                1. Lead to formation of
                  1. Bilirubin
                    1. Bilirubin formation
                      1. Transportation
                        1. hepatic uptake
                          1. conjugation
                            1. biliary excretion
        2. Types
          1. Pre hepatic
            1. Transfusion reactions
              1. sickle cell anemia
                1. autoimmune diseases
                2. Post hepatic
                  1. Gallstones
                    1. tumors
                    2. Hepatic
                      1. cancer
                        1. cirrhosis
                          1. congenital disorders
                            1. Crigler najjar syndrome
                              1. Gilbert’s syndrome
                                1. Dubin Johnson syndrome
                                2. Anatomy of the hepatobilliary system
                                  1. Obstructive
                                    1. Hemolytic
                                    2. Sign and symptoms
                                      1. Kernicterus
                                        1. abdominal pain
                                          1. dark urine
                                            1. what causes change in the color to
                                              1. Red or pink
                                                1. hemorrhage
                                                2. Orange
                                                  1. sulfasalazine
                                                  2. Blue or green
                                                    1. cobalt
                                                    2. loudy or murky
                                                      1. kidney stones
                                            2. Viral Hepatitis
                                              1. Types
                                                1. A,B,C,D,E
                                                2. hazardous occupations related to disease transmitted by blood transfusion
                                                  1. surgeons
                                                    1. dentists
                                                      1. nurses
                                                      2. Sign and symptoms
                                                        1. fever and malaise
                                                          1. painful hepatomegaly
                                                            1. serum sickness prodrome
                                                              1. vasculitis
                                                                1. urticaria, polyarthritis
                                                                2. Phases
                                                                  1. prodrome
                                                                    1. jaundice
                                                                      1. recovery
                                                                      2. Epidemiology
                                                                        1. HCV = 1% in the Arabian gulf region
                                                                        2. Investigations
                                                                          1. Blood Tests
                                                                            1. Gamma GT
                                                                              1. Alkaline phosphatase
                                                                                1. Liver function tests
                                                                              2. management and prevention
                                                                                1. Treatment
                                                                                  1. Lamivudine
                                                                                    1. Adefovir
                                                                                      1. Entecavir
                                                                                        1. Pegylated interferons
                                                                                        2. Vaccination
                                                                                          1. Prophylaxis
                                                                                            1. Pre-exposure prophylaxis
                                                                                              1. Post-exposure prophylaxis
                                                                                            2. Prognosis
                                                                                              1. A and E generally resolve
                                                                                                1. Fulminant hepatitis rare
                                                                                                  1. Pregnancy
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